A Decolonial and Liberation Lens to Social Justice Research

This article, written by members of NLPA, focuses on approaches to psychological science that are rooted in decolonial and liberation movements. The authors provide information about how traditional ways of conducting psychological research can disempower and marginalize communities further, focusing on pathology and missing sources of strength, resilience, and knowledge. 
The authors discuss a set of recommendations for how psychological scientists can conduct community-engaged research in a manner that is with rather than to communities, including highlighting the importance of fostering critical consciousness; learning about communities' perspectives, practices, and historical and current contexts; sharing power and decision-making with communities in the co-creation of psychological knowledge; using research to actively liberate communities (vs. documenting deficits or disparities), leveraging strengths and resilience; honoring and respecting communities, including rights to privacy; and using one's position to advocate for communities.
These practices align super well with the spirit of our 2024 conference, which is focused on "Weaving a community-engaged psychological science."
Read the full article from APA PsycNet HERE.
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